Category: Movie Memorabilia, Original Film Script
Author(s): William Fairchild
Size: First Temporary
Date of Script: January 4, 1967
Shipped: Flat
Description & Errata 128 pages, mimeographed on light green, studio covers, bradded. This temporary script only contains the first 128 pages, presumably the remaining portion of the script was under re-write or creation as the binding appears to be original and no pages were removed.
Writers Guild of America nominated script. Film nominated for 7 Oscars
STAR! (1968) Original Film Script
Category: Movie Memorabilia, Original Film Script
Author(s): William Fairchild
Size: First Temporary
Date of Script: January 4, 1967
Shipped: Flat
Description & Errata 128 pages, mimeographed on light green, studio covers, bradded. This temporary script only contains the first 128 pages, presumably the remaining portion of the script was under re-write or creation as the binding appears to be original and no pages were removed.
Writers Guild of America nominated script. Film nominated for 7 Oscars
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